
DOWNLOAD: SJCAM_M20_Firmware_V1.3


6) Fixes: When in dashcam mode, when power is turned off, there is an extended 10 second period before power off. When in other modes, the camera will stay powered on when being unplugged from power bank.

5) Fixes: fixes after turning off camera, long press power button causes flashing LED.

4) Fixes: OSD conflict with icons. 

3. Adds: Low Light Mode: When turned off, frames lock. When turned on in the dark, the frames change at night to make the video lighter.

2. Fixes: 720p connecting to App issue.

1.Improves App upgrade security and can be future firmware releases can be upgraded via SJCAM Zone (must update to this version though first).


  1. Opriti camera.
  2. Scoateti cardul MicroSD din camera.
  3. Formatati cardul MicroSD in format FAT32 cu ajutorul PC-ului.
  4. Copiati pe card fisierul cu extensia (.bin) in cardul MicroSD.
  5. Introduceti cardul MicroSD in camera.
  6. Conectati camera la incarcator in caz ca nu aveti bateria incarcata, si porniti camera.
  7. Dupa update (care va dura ~1 minut) nu uitati sa FORMATATI cardul, altfel camera isi va face update la fiecare pornire.

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